The field of certification of LTMCert are the following products:

  • doors, windows, shutters, entrance doors and similar products (according to the EN 14351-1/-2 and EN 16034 standards)

  • products for fire and smoke control (according to the EN 12101-1, EN 12101-2, EN 12101-3, EN 12101-7, EN 12101-8 and EN 15650 standards)

The certification scheme according to which products in the harmonized area are certified can be seen in the form LTM-CP-04.Ob03 Certification scheme

The certification scheme according to which fire and/or smokeproof interior doors in the non-harmonized area are certified can be seen in the form LTM-CP-04.Ob21 Certification scheme of the Act on Construction Products

As of 28/3/2017, LTMCert has been authorized as an organizational unit of LTM by the Ministry for activities of issuing the certificate of constancy of performance of construction products (in system 1).

On the basis of that, LTMCert became the Notified Body number NB 2483 for performing the actions of initial inspection of the production plant and control of the factory production, continued surveillance, assessment and evaluation of the control of factory production of construction products and issuing of the certificates of constancy of performance of the construction products mentioned above (the register of notified bodies is available in the Nando database).

The harmonized field comprises the products for which a harmonized technical specification exists and understands the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 305/2011, while the non-harmonized field refers to all the other products to which the national legal regulations apply.

The explanations regarding other assessment systems and the procedures of making the European and Croatian technical assessment are stated in the Regulation 305/2011 and in the Act on Construction Products.

The procedure of certification – assessment and verification of constancy of performance is carried out in accordance with the Act on Construction Products, Chapter II. for the harmonized field with the implementation of:

Placing construction products on the Croatian, i.e. European market

Market of the Republic of Croatia

for harmonized field
the obligatory implementation of the procedures according to Annex V. to Regulation 305/2011, issuing of the Declaration of Performance and affixing the CE marking to the product (CE mark). The content of the Declaration of Performance for the harmonized field is defined in Annex III. to Regulation 305/2011, i.e. by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 574/2014

for non-harmonized field
the obligatory implementation of Chapter III. of the Act on Construction Products, issuing of the Declaration of Performance and affixing the C marking to the product (C mark). The content of the Declaration of Performance for the non-harmonized field is prescribed by the Ordinance from Art. 55 of the Act on Construction Products (Ordinance on bodies, documentation and procedures of the construction products market)

EU market

  • In the harmonized area, the product can be placed on the market of other EU member states (and the EEA market) after issuing of the Declaration of Performance (in accordance with the Regulation) and affixing of the CE mark to the product.
  • In the non-harmonized area, Regulation (EC) 764/2008 (text in CROENGL) is implemented. The product can be placed on the market of other EU member states (and the EEA market) after issuing of the Declaration of Performance (in accordance with the Act on Construction Products) and affixing of the C mark to the product (Art. 26, 29 and 30 of the Act on Construction Products). Thereby, certain limitations of particular member states can exist, about which the information is stated at the of the member state contact point ( the list of contact points of the member statesthe contact point of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets)

The procedure of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in LTMCert is defined in LTM-PR-01 Rules for certification that serve as the general notifications to participants about the certification procedure, the requirements that must be met for getting and maintaining the certificates and the rights and obligations of LTMCert and the applicant.

To obtain the certificate, the producer or his authorized representative should send the filled in form LTM-CP-04.Ob01 Application for Certification, on the basis of which the certification procedure begins.

The list of valid certificates is available to everybody at the link: Register of certificates